What Has Our Society Become

 Today, I read a news story about some elementary students whose parents had run out of lunch money for their kids. The school discovered this at lunch time and literally took the kids lunch away. Sad on its own, but, it gets worse.

 The cafeteria servers threw the lunches in the garbage.

 I cold go on about wasting food when so many have none but that is not my point here. Children, in our country were denied a lunch and had their food tossed in the garbage. What level of a society have we become where people, ordered by a higher authority or not, are willing to take a lunch away from a child and throw it in the garbage?

 It was not a coerced act, it was a clear willingness to disregard the best possible outcome for the child. Food was taken away and ruined over a few cents.

 Have we become so morally corrupt that we can openly and willingly allow family finances to not only embarrass a child but deny them a simple school lunch? Is this what we have become?

 I hope we are better than this story. If not we will be, but the price we pay to get there will be steep.

We Made This Mess, We Will Have to Clean It Up

Well, here we are, 2014 and lets take a good hard look at where we stand.

Jobs are coming back, but not good ones or well paying jobs. Long term unemployment benefits have been cut because politicians, people we elected, decided that it encouraged people to be lazy. This coming from the least productive congress arguably ever. There is some serious laziness there. How many unemployed folks get paid days off and vacations to do nothing?

Social Security? Cut it! If you don’t have enough money because, say you lost most of your retirement in the economic crash, oh well. Politicians are guaranteed a pension for life, so it’s not like they care.

We need social reform and fiscal reform but the best approach to a problem is… an approach. I was taught that when a problem arose at a job, always have a solution to offer to the boss. May be lousy but it may be the first step to fixing the problem. Congresses answer to that is to do nothing. Well Ladies and Gentleman of Congress, we have a water main leak and if you don’t do something, main street will be an economic sinkhole.

Now,at this point I believe pointing fingers is actually pointless. There are very few congressmen and women who actually do the peoples business and think of the majority of us, the rest are in some way and clandestine form getting perks and kickbacks for votes or are doing something that normal folks would really look at and ask what is wrong with you?

It isn’t all at the federal level, we have governors and state legislatures utterly disregarding the separation of church and state by painting their bills and laws on medical determinations not in a what is fair to a woman as a human right.

Now here is the bad news….. we did it. Yep, you and I voted ( I hope you voted! If you didn’t get registered and vote in the next election). I like to think I was mislead by what my particular candidate said, but I read about the ridiculous legislation being introduced, the lack of concern for the public good and I am pretty sure we all got suckered. Well, we need to clean this mess ourselves, we voted the fools in.

What I am going to do for my part is I am abandoning a party and I will vote based on what they represent. There are good ideas on both sides and some really crappy ones. One thing I will not do again is vote for the less of two evils. If everyone voted like that there would be people who were elected by people who trusted them, I think the futures of some of our state and federal leaders would take a different turn.

We need to elect people who are both knowledgeable as well as familiar with life in the non-wealthy part of the country and remember it every time they vote or introduce legislation. But it is our job to find these people and elect them.The alternative is a mess that takes twice as long to clean up and stinks a lot worse.

Yeah, we made this mess ourselves, so in the midterm elections probably be a good idea if we brought out some brooms and dustpans and clean this mess up.